New Monkey Species Found

Excerpt from original article by
Dave Hansford
for National Geographic News
February 4, 2008

A previously unknown species of uakari monkey was found during recent hunting trips in the Amazon, a New Zealand primatologist has announced.

Jean-Phillipe Boubli of the University of Auckland found the animal after following native Yanomamo Indians on their hunts along the Rio Aracá, a tributary of the Rio Negro in Brazil.

“I searched for that monkey for at least five years. The reason I couldn’t find it was because the place where they were was sort of unexpected.”
Boubli named the new monkey Cacajao ayresii after Brazilian biologist José Márcio Ayres.

Excerpt from the New Zealand Herald:

In 2003, Dr Boubli described a new species of bearded saki monkey (Chiropotes israelita), and he has said the Pantepui region of the Amazon basin on the Brazil-Venezuela border also contains new species of spider monkey, squirrel monkey and capuchin monkey.

“Finding a relatively large monkey as a new species these days is pretty cool,” Dr Boubli told National Geographic magazine. “It shows how little we really know about the biodiversity of the Amazon.”

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14 Responses to New Monkey Species Found

  1. expatbrian says:

    I found your blog through a trackback link and I like it! I’ve added it to a category in my blogroll links. Nice job.

  2. expatbrian says:

    Great site. I’ve added you to my blogroll under Other Species.

  3. Couldn’t see a contact email, but here’s a couple of new finds that might be of interest:

  4. zaxy says:

    thank you, jeff- i’ve used one, and will post the other soon, hopefully! 🙂

  5. I have no idea how I found this site. I was trying to play fishville on facebook. What a fantastic collection of wildlife knowledge. Thank you and keep it up. Isn’t the internet fantastic!

  6. arjan says:

    Hello, at first I liked your site. I am amazed y the fantastic creatures that are discovered, but after reading it some time I realize what massive slaughters happen to “collect” (means: kill) these animals. For small animals like insects, fishes, I don’t mind that, but I feel sorry that scientists that are payed by society go into a fantastic piece of forest and kill everything they see, bring the bodies to their own countries and count the number of new species… Sorry, just don’t want to think about that. I just like the pictures and just a picture won’t hurt the animals.

    From Zaxy:
    Arjan- you may be comforted to know that present-day ‘collecting’ rarely involves killing or removing the animals from their habitats. Hair, feather, scat, DNA, and various other types of samples- as well as copious photos serve as specimens for institutions to use for collections and study.
    In the cases of the rarest animals, long processes take place to weigh the benefit vs the possible damage that removing even a tiny fraction of a population from the wild- and then, only LIVE ones are removed in the hopes of conducting successful breeding programs with them. 🙂 Enjoy the pictures, and know that the botanists and biologists of the world want to see these organisms alive and thriving every bit as much as you do! 🙂

  7. Chase says:

    Wow. This site makes me happy to be seeking a B.A. in Biology. There really is so much more out there to discover. So exciting. Great work.

  8. Ceweah says:

    the world is telling us what we are not looking at from the great discoveries of new species.

  9. albert says:


  10. Brittany says:

    Great site! I love science and do not understand how anyone can doubt FACTS or have the lack of interest. I agree with you when you say, read something other than just a bible. Science has so much to offer, and keeping a closed mind only puts a hindrance on the amount of knowledge you can gain. People are just afraid of anything that negates their entire realm of belief, so they choose to ignore or deny it.

  11. cameron neville says:

    Great site man! Keep up the great work. And I love what you said in the middle there.

  12. John Abraham says:

    Very Useful Information! Amazing Post!! Thanks for Sharing with Us!!!

  13. Peter G. says:

    I love the strawbery crab! All the new species! An how many is still to be discover?! Many thanks

  14. natureblog says:

    It makes you wonder what other species are out there that we do not know about

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